Itssoeasytravel Insurance

We provide a range of travel insurance policies whether or not you have a pre-existing medical condition.

Holiday Insurance For Cancer Patients May Not Be A Problem

It can be difficult to obtain holiday travel insurance for people with cancer but there are several companies that will consider you.  Most of these you will find online, but if you have difficulty you could consult cancer charities who can point you in the right direction.

It is advisable that if you want to plan a trip that you look for insurers first to avoid disappointment.  You need to realise that if you travel to the United States or the Caribbean medical costs are very high and that may be reflected in the price of your policy.


This insurance will give you peace of mind and security if anything goes wrong.  You may lose your luggage, need medical assistance or if you have to cancel your holiday due to treatment in the United Kingdom.

Unfortunately, the greater the risk for the insurance company the more you will have to pay for your travel cover.  Insurance companies work on percentages of the risk that you will have to make a claim and, of course, with cancer the risk is greater than most.  Your age will also come into it, although some insurance companies do not have an age limit.

If you should need a carer to go with you it makes sense that they take out an insurance policy with the same provider as you.  The reason for this is that if they have to stay behind on holiday because you are in hospital, they will be covered.  If they had different insurers that company may not look at it compassionately.

If you take out travel insurance if you are a cancer patient, you may have to pay a premium.  This is to say you may have to pay the first couple of hundred Pounds yourself before the insurance takes over.

For any insurance in these circumstances, the insurance company will ask you some personal questions relating to your cancer which you may find upsetting.

If you are looking for travel insurance for people with cancer you may find a suitable policy at itssoeasytravelinsurance